Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2006

some things don't change, others do

i really feel that it's so hard just to let go!
there are so many things in life that you just can't keep, and also so many situations in which you have to let go of people, good times, convictions, your way of living, what you thought was important, fear, sorrow and especially your pride. you can hate yourself in one moment and suddenly be proud in the next. and these are all things that God demands of you to give into his hands.
but who really wants to let go!?
i always tell God i do, but what i know is right is something that is rarely seen in what i do. to know is a privilege, but to act, even if its only a decision, is what eventually counts.
i would have gone lost a long time ago if God hadn't kept on pushing me further along.
everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but when it comes to being dependent on God we are all the same.

God is good, and good for us that he is not going to change.

Montag, 4. Dezember 2006

und ploetzlich funktioniert es doch! das ist ja mal was...

immer diese schwierigkeiten

da will man einmal in seinem leben mal einen e-reader ausdrucken und dann kann man nicht auf den zugreifen. ich habe alles richtig gemacht. ich kann mich einfach nicht einloggen. 15 mal hab ichs versucht, ohne jeden schimmer eines erfolges. das einzige was dieser uni pc mir entgegenbringt ist spott und hohn. dafuer hasse ich ihn!
jetzt werde ich mich wohl oder uebel zu hause ein paar stunden vor den pc setzen muessen um die texte zu bearbeiten, aber da hab ich gar keinen bock drauf!